How To Clean Rinnai Gas Heater Filter


If you stay in a region where winters are harsh, you need a heating system at your place to keep it warm and comfy. Heating systems can actually maintain a comfortable temperature during winter. Today, many heating systems are available in the market, of which Rinnai gas heaters have gained quite a popularity. Are you looking for Rinnai gas heaters in Sydney? It offers a range of extensive and highly-efficient gas heaters to its customers. 

Although these gas heaters have a long service life, you may face some challenges due to insufficient maintenance or wear and tear usage of the device over time. There may be times when you need to contact a professional for your Rinnai gas heater repair. But you can definitely clean an air filter yourself. In this blog, we walk through all the steps of cleaning a Rinnai gas heater. But, before that, let’s understand:


The Working Of A Heater Air Filter

The main aim of a gas filter is to protect it from harmful particles like dirt, hair, etc., which might get absorbed into the heating system. This purifies the air and also escalates the quality of air flowing in your place. 

Your gas filter will flash red if it’s clogged with something. This flashing red light shows that you must clean it for seamless airflow. Rinnai gas heaters lack pilot lights.


The Process Of Cleaning A Rennai Gas Heater Filter

  • Switch Off The Heater

The first thing you need to do is to switch off the gas heater. Simply press the power button once or remove the cord from the outlet.

  • Find The Filter

After switching off the heater, find the clogged filter. For this, you need to unscrew the cover of the heater, which is located at the backside. When you access the control panel, look around four inches towards the backside, and you will be able to locate the filter.

  • Remove The Filter

As the filter is tiny, you need some extra effort to remove it. After viewing it clearly, grab it with your hand or any other thing and pull it out. 

  • Clean The Filter

This is the most crucial part of the entire cleaning process. But it doesn’t need a lot of effort. Simply grab a vacuum cleaner and blow it over the clogged filter to remove all the dust or debris. 

  • Reinstall The Filter

Hold the filter carefully and install it back in the right place. Screw the control panel and close the back panel. After that, switch on the gas heater to test it. If there is no red light flashing, you have correctly cleaned the filter.


Rinnai Gas Heater – Top Maintenance Tips

  • Don’t use solvents to clean any part.
  • Avoid using spray aerosols around the heater.
  • Be extremely careful, and don’t store flammable materials near the heater.
  • Never forget to unplug your heating before cleaning it.
  • Use a damp microfibre cloth to clean any part of the heater.

Top Signs Of A Clogged Gas Heater Filter

  • Unexpected/Sudden Rise In Electric bills
  • The air filter may lose its original colour (discolouration)
  • Dirt & dust particles around the vents

When Do You Need Professional Help

Just like any gas appliance, Rinnai gas heaters must be serviced regularly. You must ideally service these gas heaters every two years. This enables the professionals to inspect various problems like carbon monoxide production, gas leaks, or any other issues. Also, regularly servicing your heater ensures that it works efficiently and can increase its shelf life. However, most of the above-listed issues don’t need professional help. This means you can resolve these issues confidently without any professional help.

But, some issues may be too technical and cannot be solved. In such cases, you must call for professional help. If you are looking for Gas Heater Services in Sydney, we have got you covered! Sydney Plumbing has trained professionals who can repair your gas heaters at an affordable price.

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