Electric & Gas Hot Water Installation & Replacement Costs

Generally, a hot water installation may cost you around $300-$750 if you are replacing the same unit of hot water with another same type of hot water unit. However, if you are moving to an LPG unit from an electric hot water installation, the cost of gas hot water system installation can reach up to $1250-$1350. Similarly, the cost for gas hot water unit installation is $150-$250 more; for a like-for-like type of replacement or installation.

If you want to know the hourly rate of hot water system installation, then it might cost you $130 for one hour. However, if the task is simpler, you may have to give even less than $120 for one hour. This simplicity of this task is calculated based on your location as well as the type of installation you are looking forward to.

If you require additional fittings in your hot water system, then our plumber may offer you a higher quote due to the extra installation work. In this manner, the installation cost of your hot water system may vary depending on your requirements.

However, remember that hot water installation should be achieved by a licensed plumber only. This helps in maintaining the necessary regulations.

Hot Water Installation

Hot Water System Installation Cost & Price Range

The key factor in determining installation cost for your water heater is the difficulty of the job. Generally, installation costs for both gas and electric systems are about the same. If you are installing a new hot water system and extra piping is needed, then your installation price will be higher. Check out the below table for the expected hot water installation cost for different types of water heater systems.

Hot Water System Type Avg. Hot Water Price Avg. Hot Water Installation Cost
Electric Hot Water System with Storage Tank $525 to $2000 $300 to $750
Instantaneous or Continuous Flow Electric Hot Water System $750 to $1500 $300 to $1550
Gas Hot Water System with Storage Tank $880 to $1525 $350 to $800
Instantaneous or Continuous Flow Gas Hot Water System $785 to $1625 $350 to $1600
Solar Hot Water System supported with Electric Power $3650 to $5050+ $2050 to $3550
Solar Hot Water System supported with Gas $4950 to $6550+ $2050 to $3800
Heat Pump Hot Water System $3350 to $4050 $1050 to $2550


  • Hot water heater installation cost will differ as per the difficulty involved in the installation process.
  • These hot water system prices are suggestive ballpark estimates only; actual hot water system prices may change.
  • If you need a water heater tempering valve, then it will add another $300 to the overall cost.

Gas Hot Water Replacement Cost

Normally, you may have to spend around $1150-$3200 for the replacement of the hot water system; including the labour and material cost. However, you can add an extra $150-$275 for the replacement of a gas hot water unit.

Average Plumber Cost for Hot Water Heater Installation

On average, a plumber might take $130 for an hour to install your hot water unit. However, the total cost is calculated as per the cost of the hot water, pipe, and fittings installation. If the location is far away, the charges of fuel may also add to this cost.

Hot Water System Replacement Costs

When you want to replace or install the same type of hot water system, then the costing can be minimized. This means that if you decide to install the system at the same place as the old system, then you may have to give $300 or slightly more. However, the cost of the replacement of a gas hot water system can amount up to $1050-$2550 when you need to install it at a different place.

Similarly, if you are planning to move to a gas hot water unit by replacing an electric hot water unit, then you may have to pay $1250-$3050.

As installation depends on the distance of your location and difficulty of installation, replacement also depends on these factors. If the replacement is complex, then your cost might increase a bit.

Gas Water Heater Installation and Replacement

According to necessary regulations, installing a tempering valve is mandatory in a hot water system to prevent scaling and accidents. Your licensed plumber can ensure that your dispensed water doesn’t exceed the limit of the 50-degrees.

When you don’t have this valve installed in your system, then during the installation, you need to pay an additional $300 for this work.

Cost of Electric Hot Water System Installation

In a collective overview, the cost of the hot water system depends on the type of installation you want. You can install the same system at $300 only. However, if you want to install an electric system, then you may have to pay $750. Similarly, you may have to pay $1150-$2150 for an electric hot water system installation, including the labour and unit costs.

Gas Hot Water Heater System Replacement

When you are installing or replacing a gas hot water heater, you need a licensed plumber Sydney for the fittings. From tempering valves to tank fittings, only a licensed plumber can achieve this task according to regulations. It is not a DIY task, so don’t try replacing the unit yourself.

However, to get the right plumber, you need to evaluate the prices and other options for the right selection. If you have any doubts, you can reach out to us for support.

8 Steps for Gas Hot Water System Installation

Here are the steps followed for gas hot water system installation:

  1. Firstly, the installation is achieved with the retention straps.
  2. Then, the main valves are turned off to connect the water supply to the unit.
  3. After this, water lines are connected to home piping.
  4. The vent hood and flue pipe are installed on the gas heater.
  5. The gas supply is attached to the heater.
  6. The pressure valve is connected to the drain pipe.
  7. Water is turned on to check the water leaks.
  8. Gas is turned on to check connections and leaks.

Troubleshooting Gas Hot Water System

When your hot water system stops working, the first thing that you should do is check the user manual to see what is the troubleshooting process. Follow the steps and try to troubleshoot your system.

If that doesn’t work, then you may require hot water system replacement. In this case, avoid the following mistakes.

1. Replacement with Like-for-Like

Your plumber might suggest a like-for-like installation. This is because this type of installation is cost-effective and doesn’t involve much work. But, when you are getting a hot water system, it is best to look for a suitable option for your home.

Explore our website and check different types of hot water systems, such as electric, gas, continuous, and solar. Compare these hot water systems and check the upfront and ongoing costs. Once you have checked this, call us to confirm the installation cost and understand the money that you may have to put in.

2. Paying Too Much for Gas Water Heater System Installation

Always compare the hot water system prices to know which one is better. You can easily compare multiple gas hot water system brands, such as Rinnai and Aquamax, to know which one is more cost-effective. Apart from this, smartly check the pricing verticals. When these factors are favourable, move on and make a purchase.

3. Replacing Wrong Size Hot Water System

Always check the size of your hot water unit. Re-check the water heater size with the requirements of your home. If you have only 2 people living in the house, then you can replace it with a smaller system as well. This would help you save costs on hot water heater replacement. 

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