Electric & Gas Hot Water System Prices & Installation Costs

Generally, prices of instant gas hot water systems lie between the range of $785 to $1625; according to your system water flow requirements. Similarly, the prices of the gas hot water system reach $880 for a normal 135L system. However, if you require a capacity more than this, then you may have to pay more. For instance, it can range up to $1525 for a water heater of 360L.

In the same manner, the electric instant hot water unit may cost you around $750 to $1500. This is according to the showerheads being used in your home. If you take an electric hot water system, then it may take $525 for tank storage of 25L. But, if you need tank storage of more than that, then you may have to pay up to $2000 for storage of up to 400L.

Before you make a purchase for a gas or electric or instant hot water system, remember to compare its longevity, performance, and value. For instance, the instant gas hot water system is preferred due to its durability, operational cost, reliability, value for money, and water heater costs.

Hot Water System Prices

Three key factors contribute to the pricing of your hot water system: energy performance, flow rate, and the type of system.

1. Flow Rate or Capacity

It is obvious that if you purchase a hot water system with more capacity, then you may have to pay more for this. Similarly, if we talk about tankless systems, then their pricing depends on the flow rate. If the flow rate is more, the cost is more.

Larger units, with more capacity or flow rate, have more components, which make them expensive.

2. Energy Performance

Energy performance is also directly proportional to the rate of the system. If the energy rating of any hot water system is more, its cost also increases. This is because better technology is used to make this system, which helps in improving performance.

3. Types Systems

If your hot water unit is more complex, its pricing would be higher too. For instance, when you purchase a solar hot water unit, you need to pay more for installation. This is because a solar unit contains booster systems, solar panels, and storage tanks.

Gas Hot Water System Cost

In a gas hot water unit, a gas burner is used to heat your water at the desired temperature. This system can be purchased in two types: instant or storage system.

For a storage system, a steel cylinder is used for storing water. Its pricing is in the range of $880 to $1525.

For a tankless system, no storage cylinder is installed. The water heats when it passes via the serpentine exchanger of the heater at the desired flow rate. If you purchase an instant system with a 6 or 7-star rating, you can save money, reduce CO2 release, and reduce energy consumption. This water heater can cost $785 to $1625.

Gas & Electric Hot Water System Prices

Hot Water System Prices by Type Avg. Minimum Price Avg. Maximum Price
Electric Water Heater System With Storage Tank $525 (25L) $2000 (400L)
Electric Instant Hot Water System $750 $1500
Gas Hot Water Heater With Storage Tank $880 (135L ) $1525 (360L)
Instant Gas Hot Water System $785 $1625
Solar Roof Mounted Electric Power Water Heater $3650 $5050+
Solar Split Gas Water Heater System $4950 $6560+
Heat Pump Cost $3350 (160L) $4050 (315L)
Continuous Flow Instant Gas Unit Cost $785 $1625


Gas & Electric Hot Water System Installation Cost

Water Heater System Type Water Heater Price Range Avg. Hot Water Installation Cost
Electric Hot Water With Storage Tank $525 to $1950 $300 to $750
Electric Instant Hot Water Unit $750 to $1500 $300 to $1550
Gas Hot Water Heater With Storage Tank $880 to $1525 $350 to $800
Instant Gas Hot Water Unit $785 to $1625 $350 to $1600
Solar Electric Boost Water Heater $3650 to $5050+ $2050 to $3550
Solar Gas Boost Water Heater $4950 to $6550+ $2050 to $3800
Heat Pump $3350 to $4050 $1050 to $2550
Continuous Flow Gas Hot Water Unit $785 to $1625 $350 to $1600


Gas Hot Water System Price By Flow Rate

Gas Hot Water Heater Costs According to  Flow Rate
Approximate Instant Hot Water Flow Rate Avg. Low Range Price Avg. High Range Price
12L per minute: $785 $1000
16L per minute: $700 $1085
20L per minute: $685 $1105
26L per minute: $830 $1410
32L per minute: $1845 $2845


Rinnai Gas Hot Water Systems Prices

  •     Rinnai Infinity 26: Rinnai Infinity Cost: $1360
  •     Rinnai B26: Instant Gas Unit Cost: $1,105
  •     Rinnai Infinity 20: Rinnai Infinity Cost: $1245
  •     Rinnai Infinity Enviro 32: Continuous Flow Gas System Cost: $2,745
  •     Rinnai Infinity 16: Gas Hot Water Unit Cost: $1035
  •     Rinnai infinity 12: LPG Gas System Cost: $950
  •     Rinnai Infinity 26: Gas System Cost: $1670
  •     Rinnai Hotflo 170L: Gas Water Unit Cost: $1125
  •     Rinnai B16: Instantaneous Gas System Cost: $985
  •     Solar LPG Gas Unit Cost: Sunmaster System 3: $4,300
  •     Solar Gas Unit Cost: Sunmaster System 52: $4,805
  •     Solar LPG Gas Unit Cost: Sunmaster System 55: $5,195
  •     Solar Gas Unit Cost: Sunmaster System 12: $5,700

Gas Hot Water Heater Installation Cost

If you want to replace your hot water system with the same unit, then your cost may reach up to $300-$750. But, when you place this unit in a different location, then you may have to pay between $1050 to $2550; according to the distance and extra plumbing needs.

When you move to a gas system from an electric one, then you need to pay $1250-$3050. Here too, the distance and plumbing requirements increase or decrease the cost.  

Additionally, as per the requirements, you need to install a tempering valve in your hot water system to maintain the tap temperature of 50-degree. The installation of this valve costs additionally $300.

Manufacturers For Instant Gas Water Heater

There are various good manufacturers who make refined hot water systems:

  •     Rinnai
  •     Rheem
  •     Dux
  •     Bosch
  •     Thermann

Rinnai is one of the best manufacturers, so you should consider this hot water unit if your budget allows. They have a name in quality, durability, and reliability.

LPG vs Natural Gas Water Heater Prices

You can easily purchase an LPG gas heater at $785 to $1625; according to the type you need. A small instant system can be purchased at $785. But, an LPG instant heater may take up to $1625. Further, this pricing structure also depends on your storage. Storage of 135L can be purchased at around $880 and storage of 360L can be purchased at $1525.

If you need to purchase an instant LPG system, then you may get pricing according to the flow rate. Additionally, the star rating also impacts your pricing. So, considering these factors, the higher the flow rate and star rating, the higher will be your pricing structure.

While LPG and gas unit cost is known, natural gas unit pricing should be compared. You can generally get an LPG or natural gas system at similar prices.

Instant Electric Hot Water System Water Heater Price

When you want to purchase an instant electric unit, then you may have to pay between $750 to $1500. This is also dependent on the flow rate of the instant electric unit or star rating of a normal unit. A high flow rate usually has higher pricing.

This is because an instant unit doesn’t have a tank, so it dispenses water and heats it regularly. The flow rate here determines how well and how quickly your water is heated. So, pricing varies accordingly.

Heat Pump Hot Water Heater Price

Purchasing a hot water system or a heat pump system may cost you around $3550 if the unit is a small one, say 160L. However, if the unit is a large one, such as 315L, then the costing may reach up to $4750.

A heat pump system uses a split system AC type working to heat water and dispense it through your tap.

Gas Hot Water System Cost of Operation

The cost of operation for a gas hot water unit may reach up to $560 for one year. Contrary to this the electric storage system operation cost may reach up to $635-$790 for one year. Similarly, For an instant natural gas unit cost can go up to $280-$310 for one year.

This means that even when you purchase a comparatively low-priced electric hot water heater, then operating cost may make the unit overall costly.

Annual Electric & Gas Hot Water Heater Cost of Operation

Type of Hot Water System Annual Hot Water Cost Energy Star Rating
LPG Storage Cost: Gas System $515 – $610 4-5½
LPG Instant Cost : Gas System $405 – $455 5½-7o
Natural Gas Storage Cost: Gas System $340-$400 4-5½
Natural Gas Instant Cost: Gas System $280-$310 5½-7
Day Tariff Cost: Electric Hot Water System $790 N/A
Day Tariff Cost: Electric Instant System $635 N/A
Off-Peak Cost: Electric Storage System $625 N/A


Gas Hot Water System Types

Gas hot waters are of 3 types. You can purchase all three types in either natural gas or LPG models. Various models of units are available, such as Dux, Rinnai, Bosch, and Rheem.

Instant gas hot water systems

An instant unit is tankless. It heats water as the water passes through the unit, which reduces the operation cost of these types of hot water systems. The price range of instant gas units lies between $785 to $1625.

Gas hot water tank

A tanked gas water system is a traditional unit that has in-built storage. This system may cost up to $880-$1525. Since these units have a 5-star rating, the pricing and operating cost for these units is slightly more than the previous category.

Gas boosted solar hot water systems

A solar-type gas system is an instant unit for cloudy weather conditions. This system may cost up to $4950-$6550. This category has the lowest operating cost. You can get it in LPG or natural gas models.

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